Sunday, 20 September 2009

Interview with 'oohlalaah'

Author: oohlalaaah

Location: New York, NY

What is your favorite book in the Twilight saga and why? For me, it's a tie between Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. I enjoyed Eclipse because I think it had the most interaction between Edward and Bella, acting like a "normal" couple. The first book is how their relationship starts, the secnod one he's gone, and the fourth one is all the wedding/baby drama. In Eclipse he got jealous, they argued about petty things that all couples argue about, and there were so many cute interactions between the two of them. It has the infamous dry humping scene, of course, but there are also a bunch of other parts, like when he sits her on the counter and kisses her in her kitchen.

Breaking Dawn I also really liked, and I think everyone just jumps on the bandwagon and hates it for stupid reasons and overlooks the good aspects of the book. I love, love, love the beginning segment. The wedding, and the honeymoon, and when she first gets pregnant. I just adore Edward throughout all of it. I also like it because it's the only book that shows an alternate POV, and even though it was Jacob, who wasn't my favorite character, it was still so interesting to see everything through someone else's eyes. And I LIKE that they had a baby, I don't care what anyone says.

Which is your favorite Twilight character? I love Emmett. He's so entertaining throughout the entire series. I feel like he and Alice are the only ones who are always laughing and joking around and not acting like emo vampires. Also, anyone who knows me know I'm obsessed with Rosalie. She is awesome all around.

Which is your favorite fic to write and why? I really loved writing Resisting Edward. It was so much fun, and I incorporated a million things from my real life. The Edward I wrote was a combination of a bunch of guys I loved in high school, except he turned out way nicer than they all did.

What was it like to write bad girl Bella in Resisting Edward? It was actually pretty fun. I know a lot of people tought that she was obnoxious, but I personally think that canon Bella is obnoxious. I took a lot of liberties with her character, but I tried to make her seem like more of a normal teenager, with normal issues.

Could YOU resist Edward? Absolutely not. I love bad boys. It explains a lot of the problems in my love life.

What fan fics are you reading at the moment? I don't have time to read many. Off the top of my head, my favorites at the moment are Strange Days by Jandco, Mr. Horrible by Algonquinrt, Son of a Preacher Man by LaViePastiche, Sanctuary by JFly, Emporers of Washington by Gallantcorkscrews, and The Caged Bird by Kristen Nicole.

What has been your favorite fic so far?
I really don't even know. I think Mutually Assured Destruction by Jandco is my favorite of all time.

Hottest Cullen? Mmm. I enjoy Edward. His canon character bothers me a bit, so I like fanfics that are canon and give him a little edge. Lately I'm a big Jasper fan though.

If you were a character in Twilight, what would you do? I would punch Bella in the face and try to bone Edward, all day every day.

Edward Cullen or Rob Pattinson? Rob, no contest. I'm a big Brit/hobo fan.

Ever read slash? I've indulged a couple of times. I don't love it really, because to me slash is only hot when the guys aren't all lovey dovey and calling each other terms of endearment. I'd enjoy a fic that they don't say "I love you" to each other or date and they just do it a lot. Can someone write that for me?

Do you think the smuttier stories are the better ones? Absolutely not. I kind of hate the direction that things have gone in lately in TwiFic Land. It's like everyone thinks their story needs to include smut, when really, it shouldn't be used unless it's in order to advance the plot. It's one of the reasons I stay away from pure smutfic. I'm a fan of good plots and UST. Stories that have 10,000 word chapters of just smut with zero plot advancement don't entice me, at all. It's unneccesary.

Finally, what does it take, in your opinion, to be a great fic writer? First off- you need a good beta. People will NOT read if you have distracting errors. I think you need to write about stuff you know. If you attempt to write about things you don't know, it'll show in your writing. Also, write about things you're interested in and things that inspire you because boredom shines through as well. You can't be swayed by reviewers- stick to your original plot because it's not possible to satisfy everyone. Lastly, have fun with it. That's the whole point, right?

You can find oohlalaah's stories on and Twilighted and follow her on Twitter at (oohlalaaah)

1 comment:

  1. Yay, Oohla!! Can't believe you never mentioned that you were interviewed. Well, great answers and congrats. I miss you.
